Who is Capture Wild Alaska?

Meet Todd Whetstine...

A photographer gets invited to a very upscale dinner party to put on a slideshow presentation.
After dinner the hostess approached the photographer and said... "those we're some of the best images I've ever seen! You must have an incredible camera!! The photographer responded... "thank you for the nice compliment. Your meal was awesome. That was some of the best food I've ever ate! You must have an incredible set of pots and pans!!

Really it's not the gear, it's not the snow peaked mountains, the moose or the eagle... It's really all about the light and knowing how to use it.

I've been a professional nature/wildlife guide in Denali, Ak since 2017. I've guided more than 10,000 clients through the backcountry of Alaska and loved every second of it`.  

Before that I did photo workshops in Arkansas, New Mexico and Colorado. It's truly my passion!

My favorite clients are the newbies to the game. I love watching their excitement build as guests learn tricks and tips of the trade and discover just how easy and fun photography actually is.

I've been all over this great state. I've been attacked by a giant grizzly and lived to tell about. I've been broke down on "Ice road Truckers highway and got stalked by a wolf. I've truly been living the Alaskan dream.

I hope to be your photo guide! Please reach out if you have any questions..